Investigations and Intelligence

Information is power only if it is relevant and usable. Relevant, usable information properly organized, constitutes intelligence. In today’s business environs, actionable intelligence is a valuable commodity that is often illegally obtained, manipulated, and used to abet fraud and other crimes against an individual or organization. The operatives can be current or former employees, competitors or customers.
Whether a client needs legally admissible evidence or to protect against unauthorized intelligence collection efforts, Risk Mondial investigative consultants have broad investigative experience in federal and local law enforcement.  Risk Mondial can undertake a wide variety of investigations and intelligence work.
Gathering intelligence that assists clients and their professional advisers in the preparation of evidence or to help understand the strategy and capability of opponents.  Risk Mondial investigators will work closely with the client and their legal counsel to conduct objective, thorough, and discrete inquiries – while minimizing the disruption to the client’s employees and ongoing business operations.
These specialized services include:
  • Surveillance and other covert operations
  • Locating missing persons and skip tracing investigations
  • Investigation of suspicions of fraud or embezzlement activities, both civil and criminal
  • Advising on corporate counterintelligence matters such as industrial espionage and other information theft.
  • Asset searches for governments, corporations and individuals
  • Investigating instances of employee sabotage
  • Background checks on prospective business partners or other associates/employees
  • Risk Mondial is a fully licensed private investigative agency