Risk Mondial                           
Investigations & Recovery                                                
Main Office                                              

1-(866)-922-1385    Toll Free                                
(954)-489-2444       Office                                         
(954)-489-5777       Fax  

1001 W. Cypress Creek Road                       
Ft. Lauderdale, Florida 33309                       

Ft. Lauderdale Executive Airport Office:

5900 NW 59th Street
Building A-11
Ft. Lauderdale, Fl 33309

Miami-Branch Office

(305) 799-9690       Office
(954) 518-0419       Fax

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At Risk Mondial, we believe that trust and confidentiality are the pillars of the business relationship.  Risk Mondial protects client’s proprietary information, and will not disclose client identity or dicuss the client’s business without the express consent of the client.  Risk Mondial will not make references without the prior consent of the client concerned. Risk Mondial and its representatives will not knowingly act contrary to the laws or legitimate interests of the United States, and will comply with the laws and regulations of the countries in which they operate.
It is feasible that Risk Mondial may provide services to a client involved in activities that while legal, may be controversial, politically incorrect, or appear to fall outside normal business practice. Risk Mondial may accept such clients provided that the client’s activities are lawful and conducted honestly.  However, Risk Mondial reserves the right to refuse participation in activities deemed to be inappropriate or contrary to integrity and fair business practice.